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The Price of Perfection: Don’t Wait for the Perfect Home

In life, patience is a virtue – but in the world of homebuying, waiting too long in hopes of finding the perfect home actually isn’t wise. That’s because the pursuit of perfection comes at a cost. And in this case,…

Things To Avoid After Applying for a Mortgage [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some HighlightsThere are a few key things you’ll want to avoid after applying for a mortgage to make sure you’re in the best position when you get to the closing table.Don’t change bank accounts, apply for new credit, make any…

Homeownership: The Heart of the American Dream

Everyone’s vision for the future is personal and unique. But for many, common goals include success, freedom, and prosperity — values closely tied to having your own home and the iconic feeling of achieving the American Dream.A recent survey by…

Real Estate Still Holds the Title of Best Long-Term Investment

With all the headlines circulating about home prices and mortgage rates, you may be asking yourself if it still makes sense to buy a home right now, or if it’s better to keep renting. Here’s some information that could help put…

Housing Market Forecast: What’s Ahead for the 2nd Half of 2024

As we move into the second half of 2024, here’s what experts say you should expect for home prices, mortgage rates, and home sales.Home Prices Are Expected To Climb ModeratelyHome prices are forecasted to rise at a more normal pace.…

What You Need To Know About Today’s Down Payment Programs

There’s no denying it’s gotten more challenging to buy a home, especially with today’s mortgage rates and home price appreciation. And that may be one of the big reasons you’re eager to look into grants and assistance programs to see…

Do Elections Impact the Housing Market?

The 2024 Presidential election is just months away. As someone who’s thinking about potentially buying or selling a home, you’re probably curious about what effect, if any, elections have on the housing market.It’s a great question because buying or selling…

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