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Investors Are Not Buying Up All the Homes

Some HighlightsThere’s a misconception Wall Street is buying all the homes on the market. But data proves that isn’t true.​Experts agree the share of homes bought by investors is declining – and most are smaller investors, like your neighbor who owns…

Don’t Miss Out on the Growing Number of Down Payment Assistance Programs

With rising home prices and volatile mortgage rates, it’s important you know about every resource that could help make buying a home possible. And one thing you’ll want to be aware of is just how much the number of down…

The Majority of Veterans Are Unaware of a Key VA Loan Benefit

For over 79 years, Veterans Affairs (VA) home loans have helped countless Veterans achieve the dream of homeownership. But according to Veterans United, only 3 in 10 Veterans realize they may be able to buy a home without needing a…

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